The Benefits of Using RAMS Boards on Site

The Benefits of Using RAMS Boards on Site
Posted in: CMT Group Blog

The Benefits of Using RAMS Boards on Site

In the fast-paced world of construction, safety is paramount. Every day, workers are exposed to a variety of hazards that can result in accidents and injuries. To mitigate these risks and ensure the well-being of everyone on the site, construction companies are increasingly turning to RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statement) boards. These boards serve as a vital tool in maintaining a safe and organised construction site. In this post, we'll explore the numerous benefits of using RAMS boards in construction.

Improved Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of safety on any construction site. RAMS boards provide a centralised location for sharing essential information such as risk assessments, method statements, and safety guidelines. Having this information readily available and clearly displayed ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or miscommunication that could lead to accidents.

Enhanced Safety Awareness

RAMS boards prominently display safety information, making it impossible for workers to overlook critical details. By having safety procedures, hazard assessments, and emergency contacts readily visible, RAMS boards constantly remind workers of the importance of safety. This heightened awareness encourages safe practices and helps prevent accidents.

Streamlined Compliance

Construction sites are subject to various safety regulations and standards. RAMS boards make it easier to ensure compliance with these regulations. By keeping all necessary documentation in one place, it becomes simpler for supervisors and safety officers to verify that the site adheres to corporate, local and national guidelines.

Efficient Documentation

RAMS boards serve as a hub for all safety-related documents, making it easy to organise and store critical information. This efficiency simplifies the document retrieval process and helps avoid delays caused by searching for paperwork. Additionally, the ability to update documents in real-time ensures that workers always have access to the most current safety information.

Accountability and Responsibility

Having safety procedures and risk assessments visible on RAMS boards instils a sense of accountability among workers. When everyone can see their responsibilities and the potential hazards associated with their tasks, they are more likely to take their roles seriously and follow safety protocols.

Emergency Preparedness

Accidents can happen despite the best safety measures. In such cases, having emergency contact information readily available on RAMS boards is invaluable. Quick access to contact details for first aid responders and other emergency contacts can make a significant difference in response times and the outcome of an emergency situation.

Visual and Practical

RAMS boards are not just functional; they are also highly visible. Their presence, colours and unique shapes serve as a constant reminder of safety priorities on the site. Additionally, these boards can include visual aids such as diagrams and images to reinforce safety concepts and procedures, making them accessible even to those with limited language proficiency.


In the high-risk environment of construction, ensuring the safety of workers and the public is paramount. RAMS boards are an indispensable tool that offers a range of benefits to construction companies, from improved communication and safety awareness to streamlined compliance and emergency preparedness. By investing in RAMS boards, construction sites can enhance safety practices, reduce accidents, and create a more secure working environment for all. 

CMT Equipment Ltd