Winter Holiday Security

Winter Holiday Security
Posted in: CMT Group Blog
The darker winter months make construction sites all the more vulnerable to security risks. With the festive period leaving most sites vacant and unwatched, thefts and intrusions inevitably see an increase. Construction site theft costs the industry £800 million a year, and the number of claims goes up by 35% in the winter months. So, what can you do to ensure that your site remains safe and secure whilst you and your team are off enjoying the holidays? Let’s take a look at what risks become more apparent in the winter months. We typically see operations halt from Christmas Eve to the early days of January, leaving a window of opportunity for various crimes and other safety complications, unless your site is sufficiently prepared. There are also a number of other risks.   Weather Complications – Harsh weather in the winter months means security measures are at higher risk of failing or functioning incorrectly. Lower temperatures can cause malfunctions and snow and rain can have their own adverse effect on security equipment. Safety Risks – With harsher weather conditions and reduced light comes a higher risk of accidents and injuries to staff and visitors Squatters – in the chilly period of festivities, vacant sites become a great opportunity for squatters to move in out of the cold and get cover from the harsher temperatures. Squatters can cause damage to sites through acts such as lighting fires or modifying the area to suit their needs. Theft – With some of the darkest days of the year coming through the festive period, the number of site thefts inevitably increases as people seize the opportunity that comes with the cover of darkness. Construction sites are often full of expensive plant machinery and tools and other items that have a high market value that are appealing to thieves. So, what can you do to ensure that your site and staff are safe from the risk as we all head home to celebrate?   Health and Safety Protocols The first thing you should do over the winter months is review your health and safety protocols. Cold winter weather can exacerbate existing risks and create new ones, and as such it’s important to ensure that your health and safety measures are fit to stand up against the changing risks and keep those on site safe. Cold and icy weather can significantly increase the risk of slips and trips on-site, particularly with metal platforms. When left vacant, site equipment like these are likely to have a build-up of ice or may suffer wear and tear from the harsh conditions. Scaffolding poles, access points, and roads and pathways will all likely require extra attention on the return to work. In the meantime, ensure that appropriate signage is set up, and equipment is stored appropriately to mitigate risks. Apply grit to walkways and roads and take note of all these measures to ensure they are properly checked when your site reopens.   Remove or Secure Valuables The best way to prevent theft on your site is to remove valuable items altogether. After all, you can’t steal something if it’s not there. Of course, this isn’t always a viable option. Where expensive items must stay on-site, get set up with high quality, reliable site security boxes and lockers. These site essentials mean that good you have to leave on-site over the festive period are safe from theft and harsh weather and will be ready and waiting for use on your return. For site security that you can trust to do the job all winter long, take a browse at our Armorgard range. Armorgard provides innovative and industry-leading site security measures. You can find security boxes, lockers, and chests for sites of all sizes. Their security supplies are heavy duty and built to be extra resilient and provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.   Armorgard Tuffbank secure site box   Lock Up and Keep an Eye on Your Site Security measures like cameras and alarms are winter holiday security essentials. They provide some peace of mind, knowing that in the case of intrusion, you’ll be alerted and so will the intruders. First and foremost, ensure that all site entrances and entrances to locations with valuable items are securely locked and covered if possible. Consider using screens to further deter possible thieves from attempting to enter your site. Alarms can give site intruders a loud and shocking warning, letting them know their presence is known and hopefully sending them running. It also alerts you or your security team, giving you an opportunity to intervene before damage or theft takes place. Cameras are another great security measure, not only helping you identify intruder locations but also helping with identification in cases of theft or damage.   Light up your site December sees the shortest and thus darkest day of the year, and the days remain short for a while. In order to prevent theft on-site, a great start is to ensure the area remains well lit. Set up floodlights (opting for LEDs for efficiency and low cost) at access points and other high-value areas. You can also use motion sensors to increase the cost and energy efficiency of your security lighting. Keeping your site well-lit will deter thieves from attempting to access the site and take goods.   Have a safe and secure holiday! With good preparation, you can head into the holidays knowing your site won’t be the target of squatters or thieves. By taking precautions and investing in good security, like security boxes from Armorgard, you can ensure that you suffer no setbacks or financial hits as we enter 2022. You can find our great selection of site protection and security supplies here The team at CMT wishes you a great festive holiday, however you choose to celebrate!
CMT Equipment Ltd